Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Life's too short to waste on a bad book. But what about a book that isn't so much bad as it is tedious. Or maybe the word is slow. Or maybe the word is "Just not grabbing me" but yet the back of my lil ol' brain sorta wants to keep going. The story is Baudolino by Umberto Eco. And I decided this morning after 150 some pages to put it down for a while. I'm used to reading a book or two a week and this story seems to be bogging me down from my usual pace.

The Big Over Easy

The Big Over Easy by Jasper Fforde is the first book in his second series. I have read his first series which is based on the character Thursday Next. He is a wonderfully creative artist. Reading one of his books is always a joyous adventure.

This new series did not disapoint. It's centers around the Nursery Crime Division and it's chief detective Jack Spratt along with his partner Detective Mary Mary. Yes, you guessed it. The characters are all from nursery rhymes.

The first book in the Thursday Next Series is the Eyre Affair. Pick up either one and you are in for a wonderous treat!

Monday, September 11, 2006

The Pirates in an Adventure with Scientists

The Pirates In an Adventure with Scientists by Gideon Defoe is a funny fast read. By fast I mean 1/2 day. By fun, I mean a half day of reading with the image of Captain Jack Sparrow in my head. This is not related in any way to the Pirates of the Carribean, but hey, the story is about pirates. So, DUH!
Funny and fast. This would be the perfect book to take to the beach, on a plane, what have you. No deep thoughts here. Just fun.


Deathstalker by Simon R. Green

is another wonderful story by this talented author. I just love this guy's style. It's easy, breezy, and beautiful. But still requires you to use the old grey cells. Nothing better than a fun good read. Thre are several books in the Deathstalker series. And I am looking very forward to digging right in.