Sunday, June 24, 2007

Captain Alatriste

Captain Alatriste by Arturo Perez-Reverte - This was a fun book - it took a little over a day to read. I can't say that I loved it, it was so short and so fast that it felt more like a chapter in a serial novel than an actual story. There are however 2 sequels to this book so that might be why it feels that way. I felt that just as I was getting into the character and into his life the story was over. Sort of a long climb on a roller coaster only to have the actual free fall so short and so fast that you end the ride wondering what the heck just happened. I will be reading the novels about Captain Alatriste that follow this one. It was a very good read. It was just too fast for me. I want more. A lot more.

The Darwin Conspiracy

The Darwin Conspiracy by John Darnton was a most excellent read. I read this in two days. It was very entertaining.
The story is told from three different perspectives, one is through the eyes of a modern day student, one is through Darwin himself, and one is through the letters and journals of people alive in Darwin's time.
Bottom line: Great read.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

The Historian

The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova was simply a great read. Part mystery, part suspense, part horror, and even part love story. It's just an all out entertaining read. At times I was so spooked that the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. This isn't Stephen King spooky, this is more subtle. More believable. More possible. It's well written, and a very fast read. Don't let the size of the book worry you. This really was one fun adventure!
Basically it is about a search for Dracula. Could it be possible that the historical figure Vlad the Impaler was in truth a vampire? That is the premise of the story and what a wild ride from there. Lush country side all over Europe make this book an extra special treat. Cultural and political differences between borders is fascinating and educational. Learn a little, get spooked a little, enjoy a lot!