Sunday, June 24, 2007

Captain Alatriste

Captain Alatriste by Arturo Perez-Reverte - This was a fun book - it took a little over a day to read. I can't say that I loved it, it was so short and so fast that it felt more like a chapter in a serial novel than an actual story. There are however 2 sequels to this book so that might be why it feels that way. I felt that just as I was getting into the character and into his life the story was over. Sort of a long climb on a roller coaster only to have the actual free fall so short and so fast that you end the ride wondering what the heck just happened. I will be reading the novels about Captain Alatriste that follow this one. It was a very good read. It was just too fast for me. I want more. A lot more.

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