A Feast for Crows by George R. R. Martin – This is the fourth installment of his Fire and Ice Series. This VERY long awaited book got to be too long and was as yet unfinished so the book is being published in two releases. When this decision was made they chose to have half the stories told in Crows, and then the other stories would be completed in the yet to be released Dance of Dragons.
To clarify, in this series each chapter is told through the eyes of different characters. And these characters live in different areas of 7 Kingdoms. So in Crows he only covered half the characters in half the kingdoms. Dance of Dragons will complete the stories during a certain time line.
Unlike the previous three novels I found myself getting a little aggravated with Crows. The writing style is as beautiful as ever. But the stories progressed a little slower. And I know that going into Dragons we will be forced to figure out where in the time line the characters are. Whereas the previous three books flowed nicely because you were finding out what was happening during a specific time to different characters. It was easier to follow because as you finished a chapter your picture of the kingdom grew larger and larger as well as more complete.
I think the fact that he divided #4 is going to make for less continuous story. Especially if his current trends continue we won’t see Dragons for several more years.
Unfortunately the story got longer and his need for perfection has become an obsession. Even the most hard core of his readers will find themselves loosing their dedication. A great story shouldn’t be work to read.
I trust for now he will get Dragons out as soon as humanely possible. And it will be written in a style that will help us to keep the time line in story order. Judging from reviews I read by readers I was not the only one that struggled through Crows. Of course the last chapter for each character was exciting and ended in cliff hangers. But it didn’t make for the pleasurable reading that the previous three did. Unlike my normal routine I did go back and read the first three books again. But I did that 4 years ago when they first announced the release date for Crows. But every month the release date pushed back. By the time Crows did come out I struggled a bit to remember where #3 had left off. Again, I wasn’t the only one that did this. Other fans re-read the series, other fans found themselves having re-read for “no reason”.
And Crows was such a disappointment that I almost dread having to re-read it just before Dance of Dragons is released. If it is released………………….
I do want to clarify “disappointment”. Honestly I enjoyed the story. I really did. And I couldn’t wait to curl up and read it. But with the absence of some characters, and with the relative “uneventfulness” of much of the story, I just didn’t LOVE the book the way I did the previous three. And I LOVED the first three so much that anything shy of their perfection seems to be a disappointment.