Saturday, January 03, 2009

The Geogrpher's Library

The Geographer's Library by Jon Fasman was a random impulse buy at Barnes and Noble. I found it in the bargain fiction section and was intrigued by the dust jacket synopsis.
Once again, I was delighted to have found a diamond in the rough so to speak. Or maybe it is needle in the haystack.
A pleasant surprise, I LOVED this book. The characters were wonderful. The story was fascinating. The plot twists were unexpected and fantastic.

Way of the Wolf

Way of the Wolf by E. E. Knight was given to me by a co-worker. He likes the author and really enjoys the fact that the two series that the author writes are completely different in story and style.

Way of the Wolf if book one in his Vampire Earth series.

Set in the near future it tells the tale of a post apocalyptic earth.

This book has it all, monsters, aliens, war, famine, slavery and of course, every day people with a will to survive.

From the first page I fell in love with the author's writing style. I also enjoyed the fact that the books are set in the Midwest. Minnesota is where the stories hero is from.

I read this book in only a few days and I can't begin to tell you what a fun ride it was. This is not the typical vampire story. Not even close. These characters are more liken to the Wraith from Stargate Atlantis. Alien beings that survive not by feeding on human blood but rather by taking in their victim's life essence.

Simply put, the characters are lovable or hateable depending on what side they fall. The action is intense and fun. And the story telling is superb.


Brisingr by Christopher Paolini is book three in the Inheritance Cyle.
This young man is really coming into his own. His own voice, his own style. And what a treat!
If this young man will only get better at writing with age we are in for many years of exceptional books.