Friday, July 14, 2006

Booked to Die and Vampire Hunter D #2 - two book reviews

Dad told me I had to read Booked to Die by John Dunning. And so I did. And I loved it. The main character is a cop. And a book collector. I never knew much about the book collecting business. These stories are changing that. It's actually a very interesting business.

I have mentioned before that I read voraciously and that is due to my parents. They have had me reading since I was knee-high to a grasshopper. In fact I remember sitting in my dad's lap reading his novels to him. In my little girl sing song voice I would read to him slowly stumbling over the big words and getting excited as I read sentence after sentence without mistakes. We have been reading together ever since. Now several thousand miles separate us but we are closer than ever. He called me a few times every day to see what page I was on. I hope he knows how much I cherish this.

Vampire Hunter D #2 - great story. Again, I bless Jay's little heart. This is a fun read. The character D has to battle a new monster in this story. One that he didn't believe exhisted. Vampires that can walk in the sun.

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