Thursday, September 25, 2008

Blood Rites

Blood Rites by Jim Butcher is book 6 in the Dresden series.
I fell in love with the Sci fi series The Dresden Files. When I found out the show was based on the books I had to read them.
It's always interesting to watch an author grow into his style, his characters, and into his own voice. Blood Rites is certainly the book in which Mr. Butcher found his voice.
I loved all the stories. Basically even though the series is canceled I can still enjoy the characters and the wonderful adventures. And this book was his best and most eloquent. I'm not sure what it was about this story but I felt like we had taken a literary leap. A little bit more poetic. A little bit deeper.
I guess I have to confess. I'm in love with a wizard. He's tall, dark, and very very handsome.
And these books give me a little bit of romance every day.

Cowboy Feng's Space Bar and Grill

Cowboy Feng's Space Bar and Grill by Steven Brust is a wild ride. I wouldn't say this was a book for everyone. It has it's slow moments. But I love the author and had this one on my list to read.
Basically Cowboy Feng's bar can hop time and space. And it tends to do it at the very moment nuclear weapons go off.
It's not until the 4th occurrence though that the regulars in Feng's start to wonder why this happens.
Like I said, it's an interesting story. But it is true Brust. Reads almost like a comic book, light on the brain. And just basically beach blanket entertainment.

The Gargoyle

The Gargoyle by Andrew Davidson was an impulse buy after seeing So many reviews and write ups of it. Costco had it for a really good price and I was planning to spend the weekend up at the cabin relaxing and reading, so, it all seemed to come together perfectly.
First I want to say that the first 50 pages of this book are VERY hard to read. If anyone you have ever loved has ever been burned or in a bad accident I am not sure this is the book for you.
I was burned when I was young. I really struggled with the first part of the book. But at the same time it was a little bit healing and a lot bit educational for me. A lot of things I went through made more sense after I read this book. I can't even compare what happened to me with what the character in this book experienced. Not even close. But still.........
Anywhoodle. It's a beautiful story. Very well written. And when those last sentences passed by my eyes I was sad, lonely, and I suffered literary withdrawal.
That's the best kind of book.
It is also unique, creative, and imaginative.