Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Gargoyle

The Gargoyle by Andrew Davidson was an impulse buy after seeing So many reviews and write ups of it. Costco had it for a really good price and I was planning to spend the weekend up at the cabin relaxing and reading, so, it all seemed to come together perfectly.
First I want to say that the first 50 pages of this book are VERY hard to read. If anyone you have ever loved has ever been burned or in a bad accident I am not sure this is the book for you.
I was burned when I was young. I really struggled with the first part of the book. But at the same time it was a little bit healing and a lot bit educational for me. A lot of things I went through made more sense after I read this book. I can't even compare what happened to me with what the character in this book experienced. Not even close. But still.........
Anywhoodle. It's a beautiful story. Very well written. And when those last sentences passed by my eyes I was sad, lonely, and I suffered literary withdrawal.
That's the best kind of book.
It is also unique, creative, and imaginative.

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