Friday, June 02, 2006

Of Saints and Shadows

Of Saints and Shadows by Christopher Golden
I have always liked vampire stories. I read the Anne Rice series and have been searching for similar stories. I've read a large number by women authors that tend toward the erotic. And they are ok but it gets a little old. I also get tired of the strong female character that puts Superman to shame. I can only take so much Buff and slutty Buffy's. I've gotten to the point with some of the characters that I find my self saying "Oh come on now, that's just taking it a titch too far."

In this story there is a war between the "Saints" from the Vatican and the "Shadows" who are the vampires. This is a marvelous tale that I couldn't read fast enough. The Vatican Priests have developed the powers of black magic. And with that magic they set out to destroy the vampires. Though supposedly men of god they call up demons from hell to aid in the battle against the shadows. In this story the "Shadows" are clearly the good guys. This is the first of several in the series. And I am looking very forward to the next book.

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